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Main > English folktales > Fairy tale "Sir Gawain & the Lady Ragnell"

Sir Gawain & the Lady Ragnell

They realized some disturbance must have come about, but when they asked him what could be the matter, he did not say.

Only to his nephew, the gentle Sir Gawain, did King Arthur share what had really taken place.

"Sir, be of good cheer," said the youthful knight after he heard full through the demand of Sir Gromer. "Let's ready your horse. Together we will ride into country after country. Wherever we go, we will ask every man and woman for the correct answer until we find it."

And so the king and his nephew Sir Gawain rode away. Everywhere, they inquired what it is that women desire above all else. All the people who answered were certain their answer was correct, yet each answer was different. Some said women loved to be well adorned; others said they must not be scorned. Some said women want a husband who is handsome and strong; others that they want a man who will not prove them wrong. And so King Arthur and Sir Gawain collected many an answer yet none that seemed right. Soon only a month remained.

Back in Ingleswood Forest, King Arthur met a lady. Though she was covered with gold and many a precious stone, she was as foul a creature as ever a man did see. Her face was red, her nose was runny, her mouth was too wide, her teeth yellow and hanging, her eyes bleary, her neck too long, and she was shaped like a barrel.

The lady rode up to King Arthur.

"Good speed, King Arthur," said she. "Speak with me or go, for thy life is in mine hand."

"What do you mean, lady?" said the king. "What would you have with me?"

"Of all the answers you have been told," says the loathsome lady, "none of them will help you. Only I know the correct answer. Grant me but one thing, Sir King, and I shall tell it to you, or else thou shalt lose thy head."

"What is it that you seek?" said the king. "If I can, I shall grant it.

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