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Main > English folktales > Fairy tale "Tamlane"


Then sang the Queen of Elfland as the court turned away and began to resume its march:

"She that has borrowed young Tamlane

Has gotten a stately groom,

She's taken away my bonniest knight,

Left nothing in his room.

"But had I known, Tamlane, Tamlane,

A lady would borrow thee,

I'd hae ta'en out thy two grey eyne,

Put in two eyne of tree.

"Had I but known, Tamlane, Tamlane,

Before we came from home,

I'd hae ta'en out thy heart o' flesh,

Put in a heart of stone.

"Had I but had the wit yestreen

That I have got to-day,

I'd paid the Fiend seven times his teind

Ere you'd been won away."

And then the Elfin court rode away, and Burd Janet and young Tamlane went their way homewards and were soon after married after young Tamlane had again been sained by the holy water and made Christian once more.

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