Main > German folktales > Fairy tale "Gaffer Death"
Gaffer Death
The physician said—
"Show me my candle."
Then Death pointed out a very little candle-end, which was glimmering in the socket, and said—
Then the physician said—
"O dearest godfather, light me up a new one, that I may first enjoy my life, be king, and husband of the beautiful princess."
"I cannot do so," said Death; "one must burn out before I can light up another."
"Place the old one then upon a new one, that that may burn on when this is at an end," said the physician.
Death pretended that he would comply with this wish, and reached a large candle, but to revenge himself, purposely failed in putting it up, and the little piece fell and was extinguished. The physician sank with it, so he himself fell into the hands of Death.