The flying carpet, the invisible cap, the gold-giving ring and the smiting club
The second riddle ran thus: “Without being either bird, reptile, insect, or any animal whatsoever, it ensures the safety of the whole house.”
“A bolt,” said her lover.
“Good! Now this is the third: ‘Who is that pedestrian who walks fully armed, seasons dishes, and in his sides has two darts? He swims across the water without the help of a boatman.’”
“A lobster.”
The princess clapped her hands and begged him to guess the fourth.
“It runs, it moves along on two sides, it has but one eye, an overcoat of polished steel, and a tail of thread.”
“A needle.”
“Well guessed. Now listen to the fifth: ‘It walks without feet, beckons without hands, and moves without a body.’”
“It must be a shadow.”
“Exactly,” said she, well pleased. “Now you have succeeded so well with these five you will soon guess the sixth: ‘It has four feet, but is not an animal. It is provided with feathers and down, but is no bird. It has a body, and gives warmth, but is not alive.’”
“It is certainly a bed,” exclaimed the fisherman.
The princess gave him her hand. They both knelt at the king’s feet and received his fatherly blessing, after which he with a large wedding party accompanied them to the church. At the same time messengers were sent to bring the fisherman’s mother to the palace.
The marvellous guzla played the sweetest music at the marriage feast, while the old king ate and drank and enjoyed himself, and danced like a madman. He treated his guests with so much kindness and generosity that to this very hour the happiness of those who were present is a thing to be talked about and envied.
Now you see what it is to love virtue and pursue it with energy and courage. For by so doing a mere peasant, a poor simple fisherman, married the most lovely and enchanting princess in the whole world. He received, besides, half the kingdom on his wedding day, and the right of succession to the throne after the old king’s death.