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Main > Zimbabwe folktales > Fairy tale "Chief Five Heads"

Chief Five Heads

The chief's sister said, "Where are you going?"

The younger daughter replied, "This is the end of my journey."

The chief's sister said, "Why have you come?"

The maiden replied, "I am here with a bridal party."

The chief's sister said, "I see, but won't you be afraid when you see your husband?"

Said the younger daughter: "I will not be afraid."

The chief's sister pointed out the hut in which she should stay. Food was given to the bridal party. The mother of the chief gave millet to the younger daughter, saying, "You must prepare food for the chief. He is not here now, but he will come back in the evening."

That night, she heard a very strong wind, which made the hut shake. The poles fell down, but she did not run out. Then she saw Chief Five Heads coming. Indeed, he was a very large and fearful looking snake with five heads. He asked for food. The younger daughter handed him the bread which she had made. He was very much pleased with the soft, tasty bread. He said to her, "I can tell what happens at all times in this place. For it is I who was the mouse, and the rabbit, and I was even the old woman. I have seen that you are good and careful and kind. Will you be my wife?"

Then Chief Five Heads became a handsome young man. He took the younger daughter by the hand.

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