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Main > Libyan folktales > Fairy tale "The Sons of Sultan Bey"

The Sons of Sultan Bey

When his caravan was loaded, the Prince thought, "I have surely won the kingdom, and I shall sit as Sultan in my father's place, for can my brothers bring back what I am bringing?" He commanded his caravan to march, and returned to his father's country.

In a similar manner the Sultan Bey's second son, Prince Hassan, set off from his country. He took servants, slaves and soldiers, as well as donkeys, horses, and baggage camels. He traveled and traveled through the world until he, too, came to the Hill of Arafat.

By the hill, he saw the tents and baggage abandoned by his elder brother and he wondered, "What disaster has befallen my brother, that his tents and all his baggage lie abandoned here?" He commanded his servants and soldiers to pitch his tents, that he might rest from his journey and investigate in the morning the trouble that might have come to his brother.

In the night he slept, and the Jinni came out of the hill, awoke him and saluted him. The prince sat up in his bed and his heart filled with fear, for he saw that the Jinni was great and ugly and terrible, and that he stood over his bed. But the Jinni bade him to put aside fear, for he said, "You are my guest tonight, O second son of the Sultan Bey, as was your brother before you, and can a Jinni harm his guest? I regret that I have no feast to prepare in your honor, but I bid you to partake of my gold, for this hill is full of it, and I am its guardian, and I will give you as much gold as you can carry away with all your servants and all your animals."

The Jinni took the prince to the hill and showed him the great door, and he showed him the tunnel, as he had showed to his brother, and the caverns filled to the very top with gold, for so great was the amount of gold that all that was taken by his brother was as if some specks of dust had been brushed from the pile.

The Prince called his servants and commanded them to drop all his baggage and tents and abandon them, and he instructed them to load every camel and donkey and horse with gold.

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The Borah of Byamee
Category: Australian folktales
Read times: 11