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Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad

"Well, if your knowledge is better than our hearing, I suppose you do,"

retorted the Major. "But to an ignorant individual like meself the

impression conveyed was that you snored like a man that has forgotten

his manners an' gone to sleep in the prisence of a lady."

"Then no one has a better right to do that," declared Patsy, soothingly;

"and I'm sure our dear Uncle John's thoughts were just the most

beautiful dreams in the world. Tell us of them, sir, and we'll prove the

Major utterly wrong."

Even her father smiled at the girl's diplomacy, and Uncle John, who was

on the verge of unreasonable anger, beamed upon her gratefully.

"I'm going to Europe," he said.

The Major gave an involuntary start, and then turned to look at him


"And I'm going to take Patsy along," he continued, with a mischievous


The Major frowned.

"Conthrol yourself, sir, until you are fully awake," said he. "You're

dreaming again."

Patsy swung her feet from side to side, for she was such a little thing

that the stool raised her entirely off the floor. There was a thoughtful

look on her round, freckled face, and a wistful one in her great blue

eyes as the full meaning of Uncle John's abrupt avowal became apparent.

The Major was still frowning, but a half frightened expression had

replaced the one of scornful raillery. For he, too, knew that his

eccentric brother-in-law was likely to propose any preposterous thing,

and then carry it out in spite of all opposition. But to take Patsy to

Europe would be like pulling the Major's eye teeth or amputating his

good right arm. Worse; far worse! It would mean taking the sunshine out

of her old father's sky altogether, and painting it a grim, despairing


But he resolved not to submit without a struggle.

"Sir," said he, sternly--he always called his brother-in-law "sir" when

he was in a sarcastic or reproachful mood--"I've had an idea for some

time that you were plotting mischief. You haven't looked me straight in

the eye for a week, and you've twice been late to dinner.

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