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Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad

The misgivings Uncle John had originally conceived concerning Count

Ferralti returned in full force with this incident; but he resolved to

say nothing of it to his nieces. Silas Watson would be with them in a

couple of days more and he would consult the shrewd lawyer before he

took any decisive action.

Next morning after breakfast he left his nieces in the garden and said

he would take a walk through the town and along the highway west, toward


"I'll be back in an hour or so," he remarked, "for I have some letters

to write and I want them to catch the noon mail."

So the girls sat on the terrace overlooking the sea and Etna, and

breathed the sweet air and enjoyed the caressing sunshine, until they

noticed the portiere coming hastily toward them.

"Pardon, signorini," he said, breathlessly, "but it will be to oblige me

greatly if you will tell me where Signor Ferralti is."

"He is not of our party," answered Patsy, promptly; but Louise looked up

as if startled, and said: "I have been expecting him to join us here."

"Then you do not know?" exclaimed the portiere, in an anxious tone.

"Know what, sir?" asked the girl.

"That Signor Ferralti is gone. He has not been seen by any after last

evening. He did not occupy his room. But worse, far worse, will I break

you the news gently--his baggage is gone with him!"

"His baggage gone!" echoed Louise, greatly disturbed. "And he did not

tell you? You did not see him go?"

"Alas, no, signorina. His bill is still unsettled. He possessed two

large travelling cases, which must have been carried out at the side

entrance with stealth most deplorable. The padrone is worried. Signor

Ferralti is American, and Americans seldom treat us wrongfully."

"Signor Ferralti is Italian," answered Louise, stiffly.

"The name is Italian, perhaps; but he speaks only the English," declared

the portiere.

"He is not a rogue, however. Assure your master of that fact. When Mr.

Merrick returns he will settle Count Ferralti's bill."

"Oh, Louise!

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