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Main > Fairy tale > All authors > Frank Baum > Fairy tale "Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad"

Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad

Then he caught a word or two of English that made him start. He went to

the door between the two rooms and threw it open, finding himself face

to face with Count Ferralti.



"Good morning, Count," said Uncle John, cheerfully.

The other stared at him astonished.

"Good heavens! Have they got you, too?" he exclaimed.

"Why, I'm visiting his excellency, Il Duca, if that's what you mean,"

replied Mr. Merrick. "But whether he's got me, or I've got him, I

haven't yet decided."

The young man's jaw was tied in a bandage and one of his eyes was black

and discolored. He looked agitated and miserable.

"Sir, you are in grave danger; we are both in grave danger," he

announced, "unless we choose to submit to being robbed by this rascally


"Then," observed Uncle John, "let's submit."

"Never! Not in a thousand years!" cried Ferralti, wildly. And then this

singular young man sank into a chair and burst into tears.

Uncle John was puzzled. The slender youth--for he was but a youth in

spite of his thin moustaches--exhibited a queer combination of courage

and weakness; but somehow Uncle John liked him better at that moment

than he ever had before. Perhaps because he now realized he had unjustly

suspected him.

"You seem to have been hurt, Count," he remarked.

"Why, I was foolish enough to struggle, and that brute Tommaso pounded

me," was the reply. "You were wise to offer no resistance, sir."

"As for that, I hadn't a choice," said Uncle John, smiling. "When did

they get you, Ferralti?"

"Last evening. I walked in the garden of the hotel and they threw a sack

over my head. I resisted and tried to cry out. They beat me until I was

insensible and then brought me here, together with my travelling cases,

which they removed from my room to convey the impression that I had gone

away voluntarily. When I awakened from my swoon I was in this room,

with the doctor bending over me."

"The doctor?"

"Oh, they have a doctor in this accursed den, as well as a priest and a


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