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Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West

It fell into the street with a thundering crash, but only the

dummies were buried under the debris."

Mr. Merrick drew a long breath.

"It's wonderful!" he exclaimed. "Why, it must have cost a lot of money to

ruin such a building--and all for the sake of a picture!"

"That's what I said to the manager," replied Patsy; "but he told us the

building was going to be pulled down, anyhow, and a better one built in

its place; so he invented a picture story to fit the falling walls and it

didn't cost him so much as one might think. So you see, Uncle, we are in

that picture--big as life and scared stiff--and I'd give a lot to see how

we look when we're positively terror-stricken."

"It will cost you just ten cents," remarked Beth, with a shrug; "that is,

if the picture proves good enough to be displayed at one of those horrid

little theatres."

"One?" said Uncle John. "One thousand little theatres, most likely, will

show the picture, and perhaps millions of spectators will see you and

Patsy running from the falling wall."

"Dear me!" wailed Patsy. "That's more fame than I bargained for. Do

millions go to see motion pictures, Uncle?"

"I believe so. The making of these pictures is getting to be an enormous

industry. I was introduced to Otis Werner, the other day, and he told me

a good deal about it. Werner is with one of the big concerns here--the

Continental, I think--and he's a very nice and gentlemanly fellow. I'll

introduce you to him, some time, and he'll tell you all the wonders of

the motion picture business."

"I haven't witnessed one of those atrocious exhibitions for months,"

announced Beth; "nor have I any desire to see one again."

"Not our own special picture?" asked Patsy reproachfully.

"They had no right to force us into their dreadful drama," protested

Beth. "Motion pictures are dreadfully tiresome things--comedies and

tragedies alike. They are wild and weird in conception, quite unreal and

wholly impossible. Of course the scenic pictures, and those recording

historical events, are well enough in their way, but I cannot understand

how so many cheap little picture theatres thrive.

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