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Main > Fairy tale > All authors > Frank Baum > Fairy tale "Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West "

Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West

He was

just in time to see the Stanton girls drive away in their automobile,

accompanied by their Aunt Jane.

"The motion picture stars must be late to-day," said the boy, looking

after them.

"They are," answered Patsy, standing beside him at the window; "but Maud

says this happens to be one of their days of leisure. No picture is to be

taken and they have only to rehearse a new play. But it's a busy life,

seems to me, and it would really prove hard work if the girls didn't

enjoy it so much."

"Yes," said he, "it's a fascinating profession. I understand, and nothing

can be called _work_ that is interesting. When we are obliged to do

something that we do not like to do, it becomes 'work.' Otherwise, what

is usually called 'work' is mere play, for it furnishes its quota of


He was quite unconscious of any impending misfortune and when Beth and

Louise joined Patsy in thanking him for his pretty gifts of the pearls he

flushed with pleasure. Evidently their expressions of delight were very

grateful to his ears.

Said Uncle John, in a casual way: "Those are remarkably fine pearls, to

have come from such an island as Sangoa."

"But we find much better ones there, I assure you," replied the boy. "I

have many in my room of much greater value, but did not dare ask you to

accept them as gifts."

"Do many pearls come from Sangoa, then?" asked Arthur.

"That is our one industry," answered the young man. "Many years ago my

father discovered the pearl fisheries. It was after he had purchased the

island, but he recognized the value of the pearls and brought a colony of

people from America to settle at Sangoa and devote their time to pearl

fishing. Once or twice every year we send a ship to market with a

consignment of pearls to our agent, and--to be quite frank with you--that

is why I am now able to build the picture theatres I have contracted for,

as well as the film factory."

"I see," said Uncle John. "But tell me this, please: Why is Sangoa so

little known, or rather, so quite unknown?

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