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Karlsson on the Roof

“You see, Eric, that velvet dog was meant to be a toy for Bimbo,” said Betty. “We didn’t mean to be horrid … not very, anyway,” she added.

Eric forgave everyone. Besides, he was hardly listening. He was talking to Bimbo.

“Bimbo, little Bimbo, you’re my dog!”

Then he said to Mommy, “I think Bimbo is cuter than Nicholson. Because wire-haired dachshunds are the cutest, I think.”

Then he remembered that Bridget and Christopher would arrive any minute. Oh, dear, he could not understand how so many lovely things could happen in one single day. Think of it! Now they would see that he had a dog, and one that was really his own, and the nicest, nicest, nicest dog on the whole earth.

“Mommy! Can I take Bimbo with me when I go to Grannie’s?” he asked anxiously.

“Of course! You can carry him in this little basket when you go on the train,” said Mommy, pointing at a dog basket which Bobby had fetched from the hall.

“Oh!” said Eric. “Oh!”

Then the doorbell rang. It was Bridget and Christopher.

Eric rushed to meet them, shouting, “I’ve got a dog! It’s my own dog!”

“Oh, isn’t he sweet!” said Bridget. Then she remembered herself and said, “Happy birthday! This is from Christopher and me.”

She held out a bag of toffee, then she eagerly turned back to Bimbo and exclaimed, “Oh! isn’t he cute!” which pleased Eric very much.

“Almost as cute as Joffa,” said Christopher.

“Almost cuter,” said Bridget. “Even cuter than Nicholson.”

“Yes, much cuter than Nicholson,” exclaimed Christopher.

Eric thought that Bridget and Christopher were really nice, both of them, and he asked them to come and sit down to the birthday party.

Mommy had just put out piles of tasty ham-and-cheese sandwiches, and platefuls of pastries. And in the middle of the table stood the birthday cake with eight candles on it.

Now Mommy brought a large jug of chocolate from the kitchen and poured it into the cups.

“Shouldn’t we wait for Karlsson?” suggested Eric.

Mommy shook her head.

“I don’t think we’ll bother about Karlsson.

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