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Main > Fairy tale > All authors > Frank Baum > Fairy tale "Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville"

Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville

Silently and with caution he removed the yellow gloves from his hands,

and so gave the foolish creatures a chance "to laugh out their

blamed giggle."

But they were watching him, and saw that he was disconcerted. They had

no mind to ruin the enjoyment in store for them by offending their

guest, so they soon resumed a fitting gravity and began to assist the

youth to forget their rudeness.

"May I ask," said Patsy, very graciously, "which one of us you intend to

favor with your attentions?"

"I ain't much used to sech things," he replied, looking down at his big

hands and growing a little red-faced. "P'raps I hadn't orter tell,

before the rest o' ye."

"Oh, yes; do tell!" pleaded Louise. "We're so anxious to know."

"I don't s'pose it's right clever to pick an' choose when ye're all by,"

said Skim, regaining confidence. "But ma, she 'lowed thet with three

gals handy I orter git one on 'em, to say the least."

"If you got more than one," remarked Beth, calmly, "it would be


"Oh, one's enough," said Skim, with a grin. "Peggy says it's too many,

an' a feller oughtn't to take his gal out'n a grab-bag."

"I should think not, indeed," returned Patsy. "But here are three of us

openly displayed, and unless you turn us all down as unworthy, it will

be necessary for you to make a choice."

"What foolishness are you girls up to now?" demanded Uncle John,

catching a stray word from the other corner while engaged in a desperate

struggle with the Major.

"This is a time for you to keep quiet, Uncle," retorted Patsy, merrily.

"We've got important things to consider that are none of your affairs,


Skim reflected that he didn't want this one, except as a last resort.

She was "too bossy."

"When I started out," he said, "I jest come a-courtin', as any feller

might do thet wasn't much acquainted. But ef I've got to settle down to

one o' ye--"

He hesitated.

"Oh, you must really take one at a time, you know," asserted Louise.

"It's the only proper way."

"Then I'll start on thet dark-eyed one thet's a sewin'," he said,


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