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Aunt Jane's Nieces


"She has a temper though, as this letter proves," said Mrs. Merrick;

"and I admire her for the stand she has taken."

"So do I," rejoined Louise with a laugh, "for it removes a rival from

my path. You will notice that Aunt Jane has sent her a check for the

same amount she sent me. Here it is, folded in the letter. Probably my

other cousin, the De Graf girl, is likewise invited to Elmhurst? Aunt

Jane wanted us all, to see what we were like, and perhaps to choose

between us."

"Quite likely," said Mrs. Merrick, uneasily watching her daughter's


"That being the case," continued Louise, "I intend to enter the

competition. With this child Patricia out of the way, it will be a

simple duel with my unknown De Graf cousin for my aunt's favor, and

the excitement will be agreeable even if I am worsted."

"There's no danger of that," said her mother, calmly. "And the stakes

are high, Louise. I've learned that your Aunt Jane is rated as worth a

half million dollars."

"They shall be mine," said the daughter, with assurance. "Unless,

indeed, the De Graf girl is most wonderfully clever. What is her


"Elizabeth, if I remember rightly. But I am not sure she is yet alive,

my dear. I haven't heard of the De Grafs for a dozen years.'"

"Anyway I shall accept my Aunt Jane's invitation, and make the

acceptance as sweet as Patricia Doyle's refusal is sour. Aunt Jane

will be simply furious when she gets the little hair-dresser's note."

"Will you send it on?"

"Why not? It's only a question of resealing the envelope and mailing

it. And it will be sure to settle Miss Doyle's chances of sharing the

inheritance, for good and all."

"And the check?"

"Oh, I shall leave the check inside the envelope. It wouldn't be at

all safe to cash it, you know."

"But if you took it out Jane would think the girl had kept tit money,

after all, and would be even more incensed against her."

"No," said Louise, after a moment's thought, "I'll not do a single act

of dishonesty that could ever by any chance be traced to my door.

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