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Main > Fairy tale > All authors > Frank Baum > Fairy tale "Aunt Jane's Nieces"

Aunt Jane's Nieces

The interviews were generally short and spirited, however, and during

the intervals Patsy associated more than ever with her cousins, both

of whom grew really fond of her.

They fully believed Patricia when she declared she would never accept

the inheritance, and although neither Beth nor Louise could understand

such foolish sentimentality they were equally overjoyed at the girl's

stand and the firmness with which she maintained it. With Patsy out of

the field it was quite possible the estate would be divided between

her cousins, or even go entire to one or the other of them; and this

hope constantly buoyed their spirits and filled their days with

interest as they watched the fight between their aunt and their


Patricia never told them she was pleading so hard for the boy. It

would only pain her cousins and make them think she was disloyal to

their interests; but she lost no opportunity when with her Aunt Jane

of praising Kenneth and proving his ability, and finally she seemed to

win her point.

Aunt Jane was really worn out with the constant squabbling with her

favorite niece. She had taken a turn for the worse, too, and began to

decline rapidly. So, her natural cunning and determination to have her

own way enhanced by her illness, the woman decided to deceive Patricia

and enjoy her few remaining days in peace.

"Suppose," she said to Mr. Watson, "my present will stands, and after

my death the estate becomes the property of Patricia. Can she refuse


"Not legally," returned the lawyer. "It would remain in her name,

but under my control, during her minority. When she became of age,

however, she could transfer it as she might choose."

"By that time she will have gained more sense," declared Aunt Jane,

much pleased with this aspect of the case, "and it isn't reasonable

that having enjoyed a fortune for a time any girl would throw it away.

I'll stick to my point, Silas, but I'll try to make Patricia believe

she has won me over."

Therefore, the very next time that the girl pleaded with her to make

Kenneth her heir, she said, with a clever assumption of resignation:

"Very well, Patricia; you shall have your way.

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Category: United States folktales
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